We just had to post the response we are getting here from our IMAGE facials to spread the word.
– Julie S
– Nikki K
– Emma
We just had to post the response we are getting here from our IMAGE facials to spread the word.
– Julie S
– Nikki K
– Emma
This brand just gets better!
We have been with Image Skincare for a few months and already it has claimed itself to be the winning skincare brand in the salon.
The treatments are outstanding and its product superior to any other I have used.
To celebrate its L O V E in the salon and 20 years in the beauty industry we have created two bespoke MASSAGE facials to indulge and drift into. Looking after how you feel matters to us, even if you haven’t much time!
Using Image Skincare throughout our new Flourish 75 minute facial or Flash 30 minute facial.